Rainbow Families Greece - About us
Oikogeneies Ouranio Tokso (which is Greek for: Rainbow Families of Greece) is an NGO focusing on LGBTQI+ parents and their families as well as on parents of LGBTQI+ children. We are a supporting member of NELFA (Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations) and participated in their first conference in Barcelona, in 2012. We also maintain contact with other LGBTQI+ organisations in Greece and abroad.
The organisation’s core goals are mobilisation, representation, dissemination of information, support, empowerment and advocacy of Rainbow Families in Greece.
Some of our activities involve the following:
We hold monthly support meetings in collaboration with therapists, legal advisers, social scientists and other experts, with a focus both on parenting as a non-heterosexual as well as on being a parent to non-heterosexual children (our ‘Proud parents’ group).
We have organized two conferences and published three children’s books.
We formally participate as an organization in the Athens Pride Festival every year, and organize an annual celebration for the IFED (International Family Equality Day) in Greece.
We were engaged in the parliamentary discussions on the bill concerning the Cohabitation Agreement for same-sex couples which was signed into law in December 2015, and we systematically participate in conferences on topics relevant to the organisation’s aims.
Blog: https://ouraniotoksofamilies.blogspot.gr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ouraniotoksofamilies
E-mail: ouraniotoksofamilies@gmail.com
Web: http://rainbowfamiliesgreece.com